What does RiP mean? What is the full form of RiP?

The full form of RiP is Rock im Park. It’s used on Regional ,Festivals & Events in Germany

Rock im Park (RiP) is a rock and heavy metal music festival in Nuremberg, Germany.

Rock am Ring/Rock im Park is one of the biggest festivals in Europe. The three day festival attracted more than 90,000 visitors a day and headlined more than 90 bands, including The Killers, The Prodigy, Slipknot, Placebo, Limp Bizkit and many more.

However, the absolute stars of the festival were the SHOWBEAM 2.5. Each festival center stage featured eight SHOWBEAM 2.5’s in the lighting rig. Surrounded by many others, the SHOWBEAM 2.5 performed like no other, being undoubtedly the brightest light on stage. In addition, both festivals also made intense use of the Road Hog Full Boar system and wings. A dedicated Barco on site support team made sure that the festivals ran smoothly.

Andreas “Woody” Wodzinski, lighting designer for the festival is thrilled to have included them in his design. He comments, “It was good to see that every band used the new fixtures and that it worked in combination with the consoles and WYG Systems. In the end – they were looking great and gave my design exact what I wanted: to have a big beam (double beam) fixture with the “LED” Ring and all the other possibilities.”



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