What does SIPCOT mean? What is the full form of SIPCOT?

The full form of SIPCOT is State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu. It’s used on Governmental ,Firms & Organizations in India

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu Limited (SIPCOT) is a Tamil Nadu State owned Financial and Development Institution incorporated under the company’s Act 1956.

State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamilnadu Ltd (SIPCOT) was established in the year 1971 to develop industrial growth in Tamilnadu.

To give main thrust to area development activities, the organization involves in the formation of industrial complexes by providing basic and comprehensive infrastructure facilities for the industries to set up their units. SIPCOT has so far developed 21 Industrial Complexes in 12 districts and 7 Sector Specific Special Economic Zones (SEZs) across Tamil Nadu. SIPCOT also acts as a Nodal Agency of Government of Tamil Nadu in the sanction / disbursement of Structured Package of Assistance to large industrial units.

SIPCOT has rendered fruitful services to the state by identifying, developing, maintaining industrial areas in backward and most backward talukas of the State, which had potential to grow.Establish, develop, maintain and manage industrial complexes, parks and growth centres at various places across the State of Tamil Nadu.SIPCOT’s role in assisting the industrialization in the State is not only quantitative but also qualitative.

Instead of just accelerating the pace of industrial growth in already developed and densely populated areas, SIPCOT, as a nodal agency, strives to ensure that disbursal of financial incentives result in spurt of industrial growth in backward and hitherto under developed areas.

To ensure a good impact with the available limited resources, SIPCOT has created Industrial Complexes and Parks, strategically located in Twenty One places and Twelve Districts, which occupy a place of pride in the State’s industrial map.



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Do you want to know What does SIPCOT mean? What is the full form of SIPCOT?. Are you looking for What does SIPCOT mean? What is the full form of SIPCOT? What is SIPCOT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SIPCOT. The Full Form of SIPCOT is‍ State Industries Promotion Corporation of Tamil Nadu
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