What does SIS mean? What is the full form of SIS?

1, The full form of SIS is Software Installation Script. It’s used on Computing ,File Extensions in Worldwide

Software Installation Scrip (SIS) is an installation script in the form of archive that contains the information and resources needed to install the program in a Symbian OS. The .sis extension denoting the file as a installation script and not a application file.

2, The full form of SIS is Side Impact Sensors. It’s used on Technology ,Automotive in Worldwide

Side Impact Sensors (SIS) are the key components of side airbags. The side impact sensor, installed in the B-pillar or C-pillar on the side of a vehicle, detects a side collision instantaneously. When the sensor detects the collision, it sends a signal to the airbag ECU which deploys the side airbag or curtain airbag.

3, The full form of SIS is Single-Instance Storage. It’s used on Computing ,Data Storage in Worldwide

Single Instance Storage (SIS) is a feature of Windows Storage Server that helps save disk space by eliminate data duplication. SIS has the ability to keep one copy of content that multiple users or computers share thus eliminating date duplication and increases efficiency.

4, The full form of SIS is Shekou International School. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in China

Shekou International School (SIS) is an international school, located in Shekou, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.



Software Installation Scripthow to pronounce Software Installation Script

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Side Impact Sensorshow to pronounce Side Impact Sensors

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Single-Instance Storagehow to pronounce Single-Instance Storage

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Shekou International Schoolhow to pronounce Shekou International School

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Do you want to know What does SIS mean? What is the full form of SIS?. Are you looking for What does SIS mean? What is the full form of SIS? What is SIS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SIS. The Full Form of SIS is‍ Software Installation Script, Side Impact Sensors, Single-Instance Storage, Shekou International School
You also might want to know: how to pronounce SIS, how to pronounce Software Installation Script, how to pronounce Side Impact Sensors, how to pronounce Single-Instance Storage, how to pronounce Shekou International School,
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What does SIS mean? What is the full form of SIS?
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