What does SLBC mean? What is the full form of SLBC?

The full form of SLBC is State-Level Bankers’ Committee

State Level Bankers’ Committee, set-up as per the Lead Bank Scheme of the Reserve Bank of India, is the highest body of bankers in the state. The committee meets once a quarter. In addition to reviewing the activities of the institutional lending, the quarterly meetings discuss various issues concerning the economic development of the state, where banks play a pivotal role. The meetings aim at finding solution to the various problems confronting the state. The forum takes the lead in initiating, streamlining and accelerating the process of development in close co-ordination with various government departments, Reserve Bank of India, NABARD and other developmental agencies. The quarterly meetings are attended by top-level functionaries of member institutions of SLBC, thereby enabling them for meaningful and purposeful discussions on various matters aimed at solving the various issues.



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Do you want to know What does SLBC mean? What is the full form of SLBC?. Are you looking for What does SLBC mean? What is the full form of SLBC? What is SLBC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SLBC. The Full Form of SLBC is‍ State-Level Bankers’ Committee
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