What does SNT mean? What is the full form of SNT?

The Full Form of SNT is Supplemental Needs Trust.

Supplemental needs trust is a US-specific term for a type of special needs trust (an internationally recognized term). Supplemental needs trusts are compliant with provisions of US state and federal law and are designed to provide benefits to, and protect the assets of, individuals with physical, psychiatric, or intellectual disabilities, and still allow such persons to be qualified for and receive governmental health care benefits, especially long-term nursing care benefits, under the Medicaid welfare program.

Supplemental Needs Trusts are often used to receive an inheritance or personal injury litigation proceeds on behalf of an individual with a disability, in order to allow the person to qualify for Medicaid benefits despite their receipt of the settlement.



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Do you want to know What does SNT mean? What is the full form of SNT?. Are you looking for What does SNT mean? What is the full form of SNT? What is SNT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SNT. The Full Form of SNT is‍ Supplemental Needs Trust
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