What does SO mean? What is the full form of SO?

1, The full form of SO is Significant Other. It’s used on Miscellaneous ,Chat slang in Worldwide

Significant Other (SO) is a person with whom you are in an intimate relationship. The term does not refer to gender and does not specify the nature of the relationship. SO can be a friend, life partner, lover, family member or co-worker.

2, The full form of SO is Somalia. It’s used on Regional ,Countries in Somalia

Somalia (ISO 3166 code: SO), officially the Federal Republic of Somalia, is a country in the Horn of Africa.

3, The full form of SO is Sales Order. It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in Worldwide

Sales Order (SO) is a document that is generated by the seller to authorise the sale of products/services on receipt of the customers order.

4, The full form of SO is Southern Company. It’s used on Business ,NYSE Symbols in United States

Southern Company (NYSE: SO) is an electric utility holding company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States.

5, The full form of SO is Sulfur monoxide. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Chemistry in Worldwide

Sulfur monoxide is an inorganic compound with formula SO.

6, The full form of SO is Southampton postcode area. It’s used on Regional ,Language Codes in United Kingdom

Southampton postcode area (SO) is a postcode area in England, United Kingdom.

7, The full form of SO is Superior Oblique. It’s used on Medical ,Anatomy & Physiology in Worldwide

Superior Oblique (SO) is a fusiform muscle belonging to the extraocular group of muscles. Along with the other extraocular muscles, it performs the role of controlling eye movements.

8, The full form of SO is Significant Other. It’s used on Miscellaneous ,Chat slang in Worldwide

Significant Other (SO) is a person with whom you are in an intimate relationship. The term does not refer to gender and does not specify the nature of the relationship. SO can be a friend, life partner, lover, family member or co-worker.

9, The full form of SO is Senior Officer. It’s used on Business ,Job Titles in Worldwide

Senior Officer (SO) refers to a senior staff in an organization.

10, The full form of SO is Salpingo-Oophorectomy. It’s used on Medical ,Surgery in Worldwide

Salpingo-Oophorectomy (SO) is the surgical removal of the fallopian tube and ovary.

11, The full form of SO is Security Officer. It’s used on Business ,Job Titles in Worldwide

Security Officer (SO) is a person who is paid to protect people, property or assets.

12, The full form of SO is Station Officer. It’s used on Governmental ,Titles in Worldwide

Station Officer (SO) is an officer in charge of a fire station.

13, The full form of SO is System Operator. It’s used on Business ,Job Titles in Worldwide

System Operator (SO) is entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring the reliable delivery of electricity and security of the entire system. SO manages the power grid from a set of computer consoles within a control center.

14, The full form of SO is Station Officer. It’s used on Governmental ,Police in India

Station Officer (SO) or Station House Officer (SHO) is the officer in charge of a Police Station in the state of Uttar Pradesh, India.



Significant Otherhow to pronounce Significant Other

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Somaliahow to pronounce Somalia

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Sales Orderhow to pronounce Sales Order

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Southern Companyhow to pronounce Southern Company

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Sulfur monoxidehow to pronounce Sulfur monoxide

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Southampton postcode areahow to pronounce Southampton postcode area

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Superior Obliquehow to pronounce Superior Oblique

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Senior Officerhow to pronounce Senior Officer

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Salpingo-Oophorectomyhow to pronounce Salpingo-Oophorectomy

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Security Officerhow to pronounce Security Officer

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Station Officerhow to pronounce Station Officer

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System Operatorhow to pronounce System Operator

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Do you want to know What does SO mean? What is the full form of SO?. Are you looking for What does SO mean? What is the full form of SO? What is SO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SO. The Full Form of SO is‍ Significant Other, Somalia, Sales Order, Southern Company, Sulfur monoxide, Southampton postcode area, Superior Oblique, Senior Officer, Salpingo-Oophorectomy, Security Officer, Station Officer, System Operator
You also might want to know: how to pronounce SO, how to pronounce Significant Other, how to pronounce Somalia, how to pronounce Sales Order, how to pronounce Southern Company, how to pronounce Sulfur monoxide, how to pronounce Southampton postcode area, how to pronounce Superior Oblique, how to pronounce Senior Officer, how to pronounce Salpingo-Oophorectomy, how to pronounce Security Officer, how to pronounce Station Officer, how to pronounce System Operator,
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Showing the full form of SO:‍ 'Significant Other, Somalia, Sales Order, Southern Company, Sulfur monoxide, Southampton postcode area, Superior Oblique, Senior Officer, Salpingo-Oophorectomy, Security Officer, Station Officer, System Operator' on your site.
What does SO mean? What is the full form of SO?
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