What does SRN mean? What is the full form of SRN?

The full form of SRN is Shareholder Reference Number.

A Shareholder Reference Number (SRN) is used to identify your Issuer Sponsored Shares listed on Australian Stock Exchange (ASX). Issuer Sponsored Shares are maintained by the issuing company – usually through an appointed share registry (not through the CHESS system, which is the standard broker holding subregister system of the ASX).

You’ll have a different SRN for each company you own shares in, and you’ll need your SRN to sell those shares. Your SRN can be found on your shareholding statement or other communications from the share registry and will be pre-fixed with the character I.

To sell your Issuer Sponsored Shares, please call us on 0800 727 732 with your SRN and ASB Securities client number.
We will need to check that the names and addresses of both your CHESS account and shareholdings match to ensure your trades can go ahead.  We can then load it before you start trading.



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Do you want to know What does SRN mean? What is the full form of SRN?. Are you looking for What does SRN mean? What is the full form of SRN? What is SRN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SRN. The Full Form of SRN is‍ Shareholder Reference Number
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What does SRN mean? What is the full form of SRN?
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