What does Stdio.h mean? What is the full form of Stdio.h?

The full form of Stdio.h is Standard Input Output . Header.

The header file stdio.h stands for Standard Input Output. It has the information related to input/output functions.

Here is the table that displays some of the functions in stdio.h in C language,

Sr.No. Functions & Description
1 printf()
It is used to print the strings, integer, character etc on the output screen.
2 scanf()
It reads the character, string, integer etc from the keyboard.
3 getc()
It reads the character from the file.
4 putc()
It writes the character to the file.
5 fopen()
It opens the file and all file handling functions are defined in stdio.h header file.
6 fclose()
It closes the opened file.
7 remove()
It deletes the file.
8 fflush()
It flushes the file.



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Do you want to know What does STDIO.H mean? What is the full form of STDIO.H?. Are you looking for What does STDIO.H mean? What is the full form of STDIO.H? What is STDIO.H stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of STDIO.H. The Full Form of STDIO.H is‍ Standard Input Output Header
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What does STDIO.H mean? What is the full form of STDIO.H?
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