What does SWAYAM mean? What is the full form of SWAYAM?

The full form of SWAYAM is Study Webs of Active.

SWAYAM stands for Study Webs of Active Learning for Young Aspiring Minds. This is a program under the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD). Former President Shri Pranab Mukherjee launched SWAYAM and SWAYAM Prabha. There are 32 Direct To Home (DTH) channels operationalised for telecasting education content free of charge. For more information on UPSC Exam

SWAYAM is a free online education program started by the Government of India.

What was the need for starting SWAYAM?

It was started to achieve 3 important principles of education policy

  1. Acess
  2. Equity
  3. Quality

Are courses free?

Yes, the SWAYAM course is free of cost. Fees are only levied if the learner requires a certificate.

How is the SWAYAM program conducted?

  1. It is conducted through a platform that facilitates the hosting of all courses.
  2. Courses included are from Class 9 till post-graduation.
  3. Courses can be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any time.
  4. More than 1,000 specially chosen faculty and teachers were part of preparing these courses.

What are the main features of SWAYAM program?

  1. Video lecture
  2. Specially prepared reading material that can be downloaded/printed.
  3. Self-assessment through quizzes and tests.
  4. There is an online discussion forum for clearing doubts.

For the complete development of a nation education plays important role in development of individuals therebycontributing immensely to the overall. A revolutionary change in education has been witness globally in recent times. Thishappens primarily because of digital revolution taken place all across the globe.Once upon a time a typical Indian classroom was portrayed by students sitting through hour-long session, teacher used todiscuss the things without any visual presentation and by just using black boards. Cheers to digital technology, it has madelife easier for both students and educators. For effective child learning process Digital education is fun learning for all
cadres and particularly effective in child’s cognitive learning process as the in
novative audio-video feature boosts the
cognitive elements in a child’s brain. Online education has provided a new way of learning to develop a student’s mindset
beyond schooling education by using digital platforms such as E-books, learning management systems.E-learning market in India is estimated at more than 3 billion at present. More than 370 million users are on internet in India helping onlineeducation to grow at a fast pace.Google and KPMG today launched a report highlighting the growth opportunity for theonline education industry in India :2021 The report gives a comprehensive overview of the current trends and challenges invarious segments of online education and projects the market to grow around 9 times to hit USD 1.96 billion by2021.emergence of hybrid learning channels, the continuous need for working professionals to learn new skills as well as theemergence of technologies such as big data and artificial intelligence that is enabling online education vendors to designcustomized content.This research paper focuses on SWYAM and how it is revolutionizing the Indian online education sector. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) platform ‘Swayam’ that will host over 2,000 courses for up to 3 crore students acrossthe country on August 15. It is the right a move that will mainstream online courses and increase their acceptability andcredibility in the Indian higher education system., Online education played an important role in developing Indian educationindustry overall in terms of money as well as innovation. Most of the population are on internet and learn everyday something from it. Online education provides the medium for students to develop skills just by sitting home at free of cost.



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Do you want to know What does SWAYAM mean? What is the full form of SWAYAM?. Are you looking for What does SWAYAM mean? What is the full form of SWAYAM? What is SWAYAM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SWAYAM. The Full Form of SWAYAM is‍ Study Webs of Active
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