What does TRC mean? What is the full form of TRC?

The full form of TRC is Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was a court-like restorative justice body assembled in South Africa after the end of apartheid. Witnesses who were identified as victims of gross human rights violations were invited to give statements about their experiences, and some were selected for public hearings. Perpetrators of violence could also give testimony and request amnesty from both civil and criminal prosecution.

The TRC, the first of the 1003 held internationally to stage public hearings, was seen by many as a crucial component of the transition to full and free democracy in South Africa. Despite some flaws, it is generally (although not universally) thought to have been successful.

The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation was established in 2000 as the successor organisation of the TRC.


The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) was set up by the Government of National Unity to help deal with what happened under apartheid. The conflict during this period resulted in violence and human rights abuses from all sides. No section of society escaped these abuses. 

The TRC was based on the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, No 34 of 1995

The TRC effected its mandate through 3 committees: the Amnesty Committee, Reparation and Rehabilitation (R&R) Committee and Human Rights Violations (HRV) Committee….more 

The Register of Reconciliation gave members of the public a chance to express their regret at failing to prevent human rights violations and to demonstrate their commitment to reconciliation…more

Regulations relating to Assistance to Victims in respect of Higher Education and Training: Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 1995, GG 38157, RG 10305, Vol 593, R 852 & R 853 (Afr), 03 Nov 2014.

The Department of Justice and Constitutional Development calls on TRC-identified victims of Apartheid that were declared as such by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission to apply for assistance with tuition fees for basic and higher education and training.

Closing date for applications are 30 September each year.

Who qualifies for assistance?
A person declared a victim by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC); and/or their dependants or relatives.A dependant includes any person to whom the TRC-identified victim has or had a legal or customary duty to support, which would include children, grandchildren and the spouse of the identified victim.



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