What does TUI mean? What is the full form of TUI?

The Full Form of TUI is‍ Tourism Union International.

TUI is the world’s leading tourism group. The broad portfolio gathered under the Group umbrella consists of strong tour operators, 1,600 travel agencies and leading online portals, five airlines with around 150 aircraft, over 400 hotels, 17 cruise liners and many incoming agencies in all major holiday destinations around the globe. It covers the entire tourism value chain under one roof. This integrated offering enables us to provide our 27 million customers with an unmatched holiday experience in 180 regions. A key feature of our corporate culture is our global responsibility for economic, environmental and social sustainability. This is reflected in more than 20 years of commitment to sustainable tourism. In 2019 financial year the TUI Group with a headcount of around 70,000 recorded turnover of about €19bn and an operating result of €893mio. The TUI Group’s share is listed in the FTSE 250 index, in the Quotation Board of the Open Market on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange, and regulated Market of the Hanover Stock Exchange.




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Do you want to know What does TUI mean? What is the full form of TUI?. Are you looking for What does TUI mean? What is the full form of TUI? What is TUI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TUI. The Full Form of TUI is‍ Tourism Union International
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