What does UES mean? What is the full form of UES?

The Full Form of UES is University Entry Scheme.

Applications are invited from unmarried candidates who fulfill eligibility condition of Nationality as laid down by the Government of India for entry
as Permanent Commission (PC) officers in Executive (GS) branch and Short Service Commission (SSC) officers in Executive and Technical
Branches of the Indian Navy under University Entry Scheme (UES), for course commencing June 2017.



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Do you want to know What does UES mean? What is the full form of UES?. Are you looking for What does UES mean? What is the full form of UES? What is UES stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of UES. The Full Form of UES is‍ University Entry Scheme
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What does UES mean? What is the full form of UES?
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