What does UNITAR mean? What is the full form of UNITAR?

The Full Form of UNITAR is United Nations Institute for Training and Research.

The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) is a dedicated training arm of the United Nations system. UNITAR provides training and capacity development activities to assist mainly developing countries with special attention to Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and other groups and communities who are most vulnerable, including those in conflict situations.

The idea of a United Nations training and research institute was mentioned for the first time in a 1962 resolution of the UN General Assembly. UNITAR was founded in 1963, following the recommendation of the UN Economic and Social Council to the General Assembly, which commissioned the UN Secretary-General with the establishment of a United Nations Institute for Training and Research as an autonomous body within the UN system.

The creation of UNITAR coincided with the addition of 36 States since 1960, including 28 African States to the United Nations. That unprecedented wave of decolonization created a critical need for assistance, as many of the newly independent States lacked the capacity to train their young diplomats. Shaped by its first four Executive Directors originally from newly independent African States, the Institute’s vision of training was developed considering the very needs and priorities of recipient countries.

UNITAR commenced functioning in March 1965. The Institute originally had its headquarters based in New York City. In 1993, UNITAR’s headquarters were transferred to Geneva (Switzerland).



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Do you want to know What does UNITAR mean? What is the full form of UNITAR?. Are you looking for What does UNITAR mean? What is the full form of UNITAR? What is UNITAR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of UNITAR. The Full Form of UNITAR is‍ United Nations Institute for Training and Research
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