What does URN mean? What is the full form of URN?

1, The full form of URN is Uniform Resource Name. It’s used on Computing ,Internet in Worldwide

Uniform Resource Name (URN) is a subset of Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) used to identify a resource independent of its location. An example of URN is ISBN number which is used to uniquely identify a book. URN doesn’t include any protocol like http, ftp etc.

2, The full form of URN is Unit Reference Number. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in United States

Unit Reference Number (URN) is a unique identifier used to identify units, equipment, organizations, vehicles etc. They are used in data products throughout all the Federal Government’s Service Agencies, primarily in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines.

3, The full form of URN is Undergraduate Research Network. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Educational Organizations in Worldwide

Undergraduate Research Network (URN) is a student organization in many universities designed to help students interested in research.

4, The full form of URN is University Radio Nottingham. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,TV & Radio in United Kingdom

University Radio Nottingham (URN) is a university radio station of the University of Nottingham, England, United Kingdom.



Uniform Resource Namehow to pronounce Uniform Resource Name

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Unit Reference Numberhow to pronounce Unit Reference Number

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Undergraduate Research Networkhow to pronounce Undergraduate Research Network

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University Radio Nottinghamhow to pronounce University Radio Nottingham

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Do you want to know What does URN mean? What is the full form of URN?. Are you looking for What does URN mean? What is the full form of URN? What is URN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of URN. The Full Form of URN is‍ Uniform Resource Name, Unit Reference Number, Undergraduate Research Network, University Radio Nottingham
You also might want to know: how to pronounce URN, how to pronounce Uniform Resource Name, how to pronounce Unit Reference Number, how to pronounce Undergraduate Research Network, how to pronounce University Radio Nottingham,
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What does URN mean? What is the full form of URN?
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