What does WDM mean? What is the full form of WDM?

The Full Form of WDM is‍ Wavelength-division multiplexing.

Wavelength division multiplexing, WDM, has long been the technology of choice for transporting large amounts of data between sites. It increases bandwidth by allowing different data streams to be sent simultaneously over a single optical fiber network. In this way WDM maximizes the usefulness of fiber and helps optimize network investments.

Traditionally WDM systems have been adopted by carriers and service providers. Largescale systems, designed for “national infrastructures” made the systems prohibitively expensive and too complex for private network use. In recent years things have changed. And the technology is evolving rapidly.

Today WDM networking solutions are available that meet the needs of corporate enterprises, governmental organizations and privately owned datacenters. Solutions that are simpler and more cost effective than the traditional carrier grade ones.

Many organizations have yet to discover the benefits of WDM networking. And how it can be used to help maximize network investments and get the most out of fiber networks.



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Do you want to know What does WDM mean? What is the full form of WDM?. Are you looking for What does WDM mean? What is the full form of WDM? What is WDM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WDM. The Full Form of WDM is‍ Wavelength-division multiplexing
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