What does WEA mean? What is the full form of WEA?

The Full Form of WEA is Workers’ Educational Association.

The Workers’ Educational Association (WEA), founded in 1903, is the UK’s largest voluntary sector provider of adult education and one of Britain’s biggest charities. The WEA is a democratic and voluntary adult education movement. It delivers learning throughout England and Scotland. There was a related but independent WEA Cymru covering Wales, though it is now known as Adult Learning Wales since a merger in 2015 with YMCA Wales Community College.

The WEA’s provision is usually local to its students. In 2015–16 there were over 8,000 courses delivered in over 1,800 community venues and 75% of WEA students travelled less than 2 miles to their class



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Do you want to know What does WEA mean? What is the full form of WEA?. Are you looking for What does WEA mean? What is the full form of WEA? What is WEA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WEA. The Full Form of WEA is‍ Workers’ Educational Association
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