What does WLC mean? What is the full form of WLC?

The Full Form of WLC is‍ Wireless LAN controller.

A WLAN is a wireless architecture that aims to meet changing network demands. A WLAN controller manages wireless network access points that allow wireless devices to connect to the network.

What a wireless access point does for your network is similar to what an amplifier does for your home stereo. It takes the bandwidth coming from a router and stretches it so that many devices can go on the network from farther distances away.



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Do you want to know What does WLC mean? What is the full form of WLC?. Are you looking for What does WLC mean? What is the full form of WLC? What is WLC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WLC. The Full Form of WLC is‍ Wireless LAN controller
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What does WLC mean? What is the full form of WLC?
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