What does WSSO mean? What is the full form of WSSO?

The Full Form of WSSO is Water And Sanitation Support Organisation.

Considering the latest trends in information and communication technology, e-Governance initiatives taken by Central and State Govt., WSSO intends to design and develop a state-of the art dynamic web-portal. This will serve to both the administrative staff of WSSO and common people. The web-portal will be as per the information made available by WSSO. This will provide a communication pathway for the common people to get the information about the functioning of the organisation. Also, the web-portal will be linked with the other concerned establishments. Efficient and Interactive sharing of information will be the main objective behind this web-portal.



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Do you want to know What does WSSO mean? What is the full form of WSSO?. Are you looking for What does WSSO mean? What is the full form of WSSO? What is WSSO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of WSSO. The Full Form of WSSO is‍ Water And Sanitation Support Organisation
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What does WSSO mean? What is the full form of WSSO?
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