A hold 与 Ahold 的区别及用法

February 18, 2020



##Ahold和A Hold有什么区别?

在这篇文章中,我将比较Ahold与A Hold。同时我将在例句中使用这些词,以便让您可以在文中看到它们的使用方法。


Ahold是什么意思? Ahold用作副词时,它的含义与hold大致相同。也就是说,它用来修饰动词,可表示占有,所有的意思。


* “Camilla, will you get ahold of Susan and ask her why on earth our supply order hasn’t been delivered yet?” asked Jermaine.
* Asher got ahold of some drugs, and used them all without sharing with Amanda.
* Morels are difficult to get ahold of, but they are so delicious that procuring them is worth almost any amount of effort.



##何时使用A hold

A hold是什么意思? A hold是一个短语,由不定冠词a和名词hold组成,表示一种约束或阻止的方法。


* The skilled martial artist employed a hold to keep her opponent from escaping while she punched him.
* Callie’s bank placed a hold on her money, which she found annoying.
* Gregorius found a hold on the face of the cliff and swung himself up over the edge.
* A Thai crocodile trainer has amazingly escaped serious injury after a three metre man-eater grabbed a hold of his arm and performed a ‘death roll’. –Daily Mail




* If you can’t get hold of me, send Jason a text message.
* I tried calling three times, but I can’t get hold of him.
* Climbing the mountain, I found it hard to get a firm hold.


Ahold和A hold都很少使用。写作的一般规则是使事情简单而不是复杂。

Ahold是一个非正式的用法,很少在专业写作中使用。布莱恩·加纳(Bryan Garner)在他的《加纳的现代英语用法》一书中使用get hold 与get ahold的比率分别定为18:1。换句话说,您可能应该避免Ahold这种构造。

在诸如get hold之类的构造中,您可以轻松地避开hold and ahold,而采用更简单的hold。但是,有时a hold 又是必要的。


* Callie’s bank placed a hold on her money, which she found annoying.


* Callie’s bank placed hold on her money…


是a hold 还是ahold?正如以上所说明的那样,在细微之处可能会造成混淆。但记住以下几点:

* Ahold是非正式的副词,它对动词进行修饰用以表示占有的意思。
* A Hold是由不定冠词和名词组成的短语。
*当可以使用Hold的时候,应避免使用Ahold和A hold。
