Marital or Martial: Spouses or Soldiers?

April 01, 2024
Marital or Martial: Spouses or Soldiers?

Marital or Martial: Spouses or Soldiers?

Let’s learn about the words “marital” and “martial”!

**MARITAL**: It comes from the Latin word “maritālis,” which means “related to marriage.” Marital is used when talking about things related to marriage or the relationship between a husband and wife.

1. She sought advice from a marital counselor to work on her relationship.
2. They signed a marital agreement before getting married.
3. Their marital problems were causing a strain on their marriage.
4. The couple attended a marital retreat to strengthen their bond.
5. Marital bliss is essential for a happy marriage.

**MARTIAL**: It comes from the Latin word “martiālis,” which means “related to Mars,” the Roman god of war. Martial is used when talking about things related to war, combat, or the military.

1. The martial arts class taught self-defense techniques.
2. He had a martial spirit and excelled in military training.
3. The army trained in various martial skills to prepare for battle.
4. The general’s martial strategy led to victory in the war.
5. Martial music played as the soldiers marched into battle.

– **Marital** relates to **marriage** and the relationship between a **husband** and **wife**.
– **Martial** relates to **war** and things related to **combat** or the **military**.

– **Marital** is about marriage and relationships.
– **Martial** is about war, combat, and the military.

Hope this helps!