Let’s talk about the words “statue” and “statute.” These words may sound similar, but they have different meanings. Let’s look at how they are different and how we can use them correctly.
A “statue” is a 3D art piece typically depicting a person, animal, or object. Statues are often made of materials like stone, metal, or clay.
1. I saw a beautiful statue of a lion in the park.
2. The statue of liberty is an iconic symbol of freedom.
3. My grandma has a small Buddha statue in her garden.
4. The museum has a collection of ancient Greek statues.
5. They are planning to build a new statue in the town square.
A “statute” is a law or a rule made by a government or authority. Statutes are created to regulate and govern different aspects of society.
1. It is important to follow the traffic statutes to ensure road safety.
2. The state legislature passed a new statute on environmental protection.
3. The school has a statute that prohibits bullying.
4. Lawyers study statutes to understand legal requirements.
5. The new statute will come into effect next month.
To remember the difference between “statue” and “statute,” think of the letter “u” in “statue” as the person or object standing there. The “e” in “statue” can remind you of the “e” in “3D,” which is what a statue is. On the other hand, “statute” is like a rule with the “t” at the end of both words.
So, in summary, a “statue” is a 3D sculpture of a person, animal, or object, while a “statute” is a law or rule created by a government or authority.
Remember: A “statue” stands in the park, while a “statute” is a rule to remark. That’s the difference!
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