Today, we will learn about Amount and Number. These words look similar but they mean different things. Let’s see how to use them!
Both words come from old languages. Amount comes from old French “amunter” which means “to rise”. Number comes from Latin “numerus” which means “to count”. They are very old words!
Amount is used for things you cannot count. Think of things that are like a big pile or a group. You can’t count every piece.
Number is used for things you can count. Think of things that are one by one. You can see each piece and say “1, 2, 3…”.
Remember: Amount is for things like water, air, or money. Number is for things like apples, cars, or books.
Use Amount for things you cannot count one by one like water or money. Use Number for things you can count one by one like apples or books. This will help you use these words correctly!
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