The Correct Usage of Forty vs Fourty

September 24, 2024
The Correct Usage of Forty vs Fourty

The Correct Usage of Forty vs Fourty

Forty vs Fourty

Today, we will talk about two words: forty and fourty. Even though they look almost the same, only one is correct.

History of the Words

The word forty comes from old English. A long time ago, people used to spell it as “feowertig.” But now, we just say “forty.” The word fourty might look right because it has the word “four” in it. But it is not correct.

How to Use Them

Use forty when you want to talk about the number 40. Never use fourty, as it is not correct.

Trick to Remember the Difference

To remember which one is right, think about the word “fort.” A fort is a strong place. The word forty is strong and correct, just like a fort. The word fourty is weak and wrong.

Examples of “Forty”

  • My dad is forty years old.
  • There are forty apples in the basket.
  • I scored forty points in the game.
  • She read forty books this year.
  • The bus can hold forty people.

Examples of “Fourty”

  • Please do not use “fourty.” It is not correct.
  • The word “fourty” looks like it should be right, but it’s not.
  • If you write “fourty,” people will think you made a mistake.
  • Remember to always write “forty,” not “fourty.”
  • There is no place in writing for the word “fourty.”


In summary, always use forty when you mean the number 40. Never use fourty because it is not correct. Remember the trick: forty is strong, just like a fort.