Understanding the Difference Between Flaunt and Flout

October 13, 2024
Understanding the Difference Between Flaunt and Flout

Understanding the Difference Between Flaunt and Flout

Understanding “Flaunt” vs. “Flout”

These two words, “flaunt” and “flout,” can be a bit tricky, but they are very different from each other. Let’s break them down using simple words.


Flaunt: The word “flaunt” has been around since the 16th century. It comes from the Middle English word “flanten,” which means to show off or wave around.

Flout: “Flout” also comes from the same time, the 16th century. It comes from the Dutch word “fluyten,” meaning to play a flute or mock. It’s about not showing respect for rules.

How to Use Them

Flaunt: Use “flaunt” when someone is showing off or displaying something proudly. It can be a new toy, clothes, or skills.

Example Sentences for Flaunt:

  • She likes to flaunt her new dress at the party.
  • He will flaunt his skills in the basketball game.
  • The boy flaunted his toy car in front of his friends.
  • They flaunt their wealth by driving expensive cars.
  • My friend always flaunts her good grades.

Flout: Use “flout” when someone ignores a rule or law on purpose. It is about not caring about what should be done.

Example Sentences for Flout:

  • He likes to flout the school rules by running in the halls.
  • The driver flouted the speed limit sign.
  • They often flout social norms with their actions.
  • Some people flout the law by not stopping at the red light.
  • She flouts authority by never listening to her boss.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Think of “flaunt” and “show off” both starting with “f.” When you see something being proudly shown, it’s usually flaunted.

Remember “flout” as “flout rules.” It’s about ignoring what should be done.


To flaunt is to show your stuff proudly. To flout is to ignore a rule or law. Keep these differences in mind when you come across these words!