Understanding the Distinct Forces: Centrifugal and Centripetal

October 20, 2024
Understanding the Distinct Forces: Centrifugal and Centripetal

Understanding the Distinct Forces: Centrifugal and Centripetal

Centrifugal vs. Centripetal

Let’s talk about two words that sound a bit alike but mean different things: centrifugal and centripetal. They are both about forces and how they make things move. Let’s see what each word means and how you can use them.


The word centrifugal comes from Latin, where “centrum” means “center” and “fugere” means “to flee” or “to run away.” So, centrifugal means “running away from the center.”

The word centripetal also has Latin roots. “Centrum” again means “center,” but “petere” means “to seek” or “to go towards.” So, centripetal means “moving toward the center.”

How to Use Them


Centrifugal is used to talk about a force that pushes things away from the center. Here are some sentences:

  • The washing machine uses centrifugal force to squeeze water out of clothes.
  • The merry-go-round spins fast, making us feel the centrifugal force pushing us outward.
  • A roller coaster turning on a curve uses centrifugal force to keep you in your seat.
  • The toy top spins, and you can feel the centrifugal force when it wobbles.
  • When you swing a bucket of water quickly, centrifugal force keeps the water inside.


Centripetal is used to describe a force that pulls things toward the center. Let’s look at some sentences:

  • The Earth uses centripetal force to pull the moon into orbit.
  • A car turning a corner needs centripetal force to stay on the road.
  • The string on a tetherball pulls the ball with centripetal force as it spins.
  • Gravity acts as a centripetal force, holding us to the ground.
  • Centripetal force keeps the planets moving around the sun.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Think about the words: centrifugal starts with “f” like “flee” meaning to run away. Centripetal starts with “p” like “pull” which is to bring closer.


Use centrifugal when talking about forces that move away from the center. Use centripetal when a force brings something towards the center. Remember, “f” for “flee” means away and “p” for “pull” means toward.