Understanding the Distinction: Adapt vs. Adopt

October 20, 2024
Understanding the Distinction: Adapt vs. Adopt

Understanding the Distinction: Adapt vs. Adopt

Difference Between “Adapt” and “Adopt”

History of the Words

The word “adapt” comes from Latin “adaptare” which means to fit. It was first used in English around the 16th century.

The word “adopt” comes from Latin “adoptare” which means to choose for oneself and was first used in the English language in the 14th century.

How to Use Them

“Adapt” means to change something to make it suitable or work in a new way. It is like making yourself fit into new conditions or surroundings.

“Adopt” means to take something and make it your own, like a new idea, method, or even a person or pet whom you take responsibility for.

Trick to Remember the Difference

Remember: “Adapt” is about “adjusting” or changing. Both “adapt” and “adjust” start with “a” and “d”.

“Adopt” is about “accepting” or taking in. Both “adopt” and “accept” start with “a” and have a “p” in them.

Examples of “Adapt”

  • I had to adapt to the cold weather when we moved to Canada.
  • Animals adapt to their environment over time to survive.
  • She adapted her teaching methods to better help her students.
  • The play was adapted from a famous book.
  • We need to adapt our schedule to match the new work hours.

Examples of “Adopt”

  • They decided to adopt a puppy from the shelter.
  • The company adopted a new logo last year.
  • She adopted the habit of walking every morning.
  • The family adopted a child who needed a home.
  • We should adopt better ways to recycle our waste.


To remember the difference, think of “adapt” as “adjust” or “change” and “adopt” as “accept” or “take in.” Use “adapt” when talking about changing something to fit or work better. Use “adopt” when talking about taking something in and making it your own.