What does N/A mean? What is the full form of N/A?

The full form of N/A is Not Available. It’s used on Miscellaneous ,Chat slang in Worldwide

N/A or simply NA is a common abbreviation in tables and lists for “Not Available” or “Not Applicable” or “Not Announced”. It is used to indicate when information in a certain table cell is not provided, either because the answer is not available or because it does not apply to a particular case.

also used when products are not available

Exmaple in using:

Comes in three colours:
– red
– white
– black n/a



Not Availablehow to pronounce Not Available

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Do you want to know What does N/A mean? What is the full form of N/A?. Are you looking for What does N/A mean? What is the full form of N/A? What is N/A stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of N/A. The Full Form of N/A is‍ Not Available
You also might want to know: how to pronounce N/A, how to pronounce Not Available,
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What does N/A mean? What is the full form of N/A?
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