What does REM mean? What is the full form of REM?

1, The full form of REM is Rapid Eye Movement. It’s used on Medical ,Anatomy & Physiology in Worldwide

Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is the portion of sleep that is very deep, during which the eyes make many rapid eye movements. The eyes remain closed but move rapidly from side-to-side, most of the dreams occur during this period.

2, The full form of REM is Resource Efficiency Manager. It’s used on Governmental ,Titles in United States

Resource Efficiency Manager (REM) is a contracted staff hired by an installation to support its energy and resource efficiency program. The REM’s primary focus is to bring about reductions in the cost of energy, water, natural gas, fuel oil, refuse disposal, and any other utilities and energy/water-related operations.



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Resource Efficiency Managerhow to pronounce Resource Efficiency Manager

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Do you want to know What does REM mean? What is the full form of REM?. Are you looking for What does REM mean? What is the full form of REM? What is REM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of REM. The Full Form of REM is‍ Rapid Eye Movement, Resource Efficiency Manager
You also might want to know: how to pronounce REM, how to pronounce Rapid Eye Movement, how to pronounce Resource Efficiency Manager,
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What does REM mean? What is the full form of REM?
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