What does IRMA mean? What is the full form of IRMA?

The Full Form of IRMA is Institute of Rural Management Anand.

Institute of Rural Management Anand (IRMA Anand) is an autonomous institution and premier business school located in Anand Gujarat, India with the mandate of contributing to the professional management of rural organisations. IRMA was founded with the belief, borne out by Verghese Kurien’s work in the dairy co-operatives which revolutionized the dairy industry in the country (Operation Flood), that the key to effective rural development is professional management.It is consistently ranked as one of India’s best business schools. Also it is considered as the best business school in the Rural and Agricultural Business Management Sector of India.

The Institute was established with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Corporation, the Government of India, the erstwhile Indian Dairy Corporation, the NDDB (National Dairy Development Board) and the Government of Gujarat.IRMA campus was designed by the famous architect Achyut Kanvinde.

IRMA provides management training, support and research facilities to students committed to rural development; in this process it has brought within its ambit several co-operatives, non-government organisations, government development agencies, international development organisations and funding agencies.

Over the years the convocation of IRMA is graced by National and International luminaries from the academic , cultural , spiritual and political spheres. Former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi attended IRMA’s first annual convocation in 1982 



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Do you want to know What does IRMA mean? What is the full form of IRMA?. Are you looking for What does IRMA mean? What is the full form of IRMA? What is IRMA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of IRMA. The Full Form of IRMA is‍ Institute of Rural Management Anand
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