What does Blvd mean? What is the full form of Blvd?

The full form of Blvd is Boulevard. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Roads & Highways in Worldwide

A boulevard (French, originally meaning bastion, abbreviated as bd in Metropolitan French, boul in Canadian French, and Blvd in English), is a type of large road, usually running through a city.
In modern American usage, it often means a wide, multi-lane arterial thoroughfare, often divided with a central median, and perhaps with roadways along each side designed as slow travel and parking lanes and for bicycle and pedestrian usage, often with an above-average quality of landscaping and scenery.



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Do you want to know What does BLVD mean? What is the full form of BLVD?. Are you looking for What does BLVD mean? What is the full form of BLVD? What is BLVD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BLVD. The Full Form of BLVD is‍ Boulevard
You also might want to know: how to pronounce BLVD, how to pronounce Boulevard,
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What does BLVD mean? What is the full form of BLVD?
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