What does BAN mean? What is the full form of BAN?

The Full Form of BAN is Body area network.

Body area networks (BANs) is an active field of research and development as it offers the potential of great improvement in the delivery and monitoring of healthcare. This is specially sensitive in elderly people or patients with chronic conditions, but also tracking the performance of athletes, just to mention some applications.

BANs consists of sensors and actuators around the human body in order to monitor human organs or to deliver either impulses or medicine on the body or inside the body, also known as implant medical devices like pacemakers, or capsule endoscopes with a wireless communication link to an access point or hub (see Fig. 1).



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Do you want to know What does BAN mean? What is the full form of BAN?. Are you looking for What does BAN mean? What is the full form of BAN? What is BAN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BAN. The Full Form of BAN is‍ Body area network
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