What does HPR mean? What is the full form of HPR?

The Full Form of HPR is Holding Period Return.

Holding period return is the total return received from holding an asset or portfolio of assets over a period of time, known as the holding period, generally expressed as a percentage. Holding period return is calculated on the basis of total returns from the asset or portfolio (income plus changes in value). It is particularly useful for comparing returns between investments held for different periods of time.

The Formula for Holding Period Return Is

Holding Period Return=Initial ValueIncome +(End Of Period Value  Initial Value)

Holding Period Return (HPR) and annualized HPR for returns over multiple years can be calculated as follows:

Returns computed for regular time periods such as quarters or years can be converted to a holding period return as well.



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Do you want to know What does HPR mean? What is the full form of HPR?. Are you looking for What does HPR mean? What is the full form of HPR? What is HPR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HPR. The Full Form of HPR is‍ Holding Period Return
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