What does NCCS mean? What is the full form of NCCS?

The Full Form of NCCS is New Consumer Classification System.

New Consumer Classification System (NCCS) is the new tool for classifying consumers in India. The methodology will be used by the Broadcast Audience Research Council in its soon-to-be-launched TV audience measurement system. A look at few basic questions that will help understand the NCCS better.

NCCS is used to classify households in India. It was co-developed by Market Research Society of India (MRSI) and Media Research Users Council (MRUC) and classifies households on two variables – education of the chief wage earner and the number of consumer durables owned by the household from a predefined list.



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Do you want to know What does NCCS mean? What is the full form of NCCS?. Are you looking for What does NCCS mean? What is the full form of NCCS? What is NCCS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NCCS. The Full Form of NCCS is‍ New Consumer Classification System
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