What does GAY mean? What is the full form of GAY?

The Full Form of GAY is Good As You.

“Good as You” is a song recorded by American country music singer Kane Brown. It is the second single to his second major-label album Experiment. Brown wrote the song with Brock Berryhill, Shy Carter, Taylor Phillips, and Will Weatherly. Dann Huff produced the song.

Brown wrote the song with Shy Carter, Taylor Phillips, and Will Weatherly. He said that the song’s idea came when Carter began performing on a ukulele, and then Phillips provided the lyric “Girl, I want to be good as you.” The song features banjo and electric guitar, and its lyrical theme is a love ballad to his wife, Katelynn.

Good As You is a support and social group for LGBT people and others questioning their sexuality in Bangalore. It started in 1994 and is one of the longest surviving groups that advocates equal rights for homosexuals and other sexual minorities in Bangalore.

In 1994, a few LGBT rights activists gathered at a local restaurant and decided to have a discussion forum for the sexual minorities at Bangalore. Within a week, it was decided that the group name would be Good As You, and meetings started taking place weekly. Samraksha, an AIDS counselling center, provided their office space for the meetups.[2] Currently the weekly meetups happen at Swabhava office.



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Do you want to know What does GAY mean? What is the full form of GAY?. Are you looking for What does GAY mean? What is the full form of GAY? What is GAY stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of GAY. The Full Form of GAY is‍ Good As You
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