What does CDRI mean? What is the full form of CDRI?

The Full Form of CDRI is‍ Central Drug Research Institute.

The Central Drug Research Institute is a multidisciplinary research laboratory in Lucknow, India, employing scientific personnel from various areas of biomedical sciences. 

Central Drug Research Institute is one of the first and few laboratories that were established in India right after its independence. CDRI is among the thirty eight laboratories that are functioning under the aegis of the council of scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) of India headed by the Prime Minister of the nation as its president. CDRI was formally inaugurated on 17th Feb 1951 by the then Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru. CDRI is considered to be a pioneer research organization in the field of biomedical research where all the infrastructure and expertise are available to develop a drug right from its concept to market. The very latest techniques and methodologies are employed for developing drugs, diagnostics and vaccines to combat diseases prevalent among mankind in general and Indian population in particular.



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Do you want to know What does CDRI mean? What is the full form of CDRI?. Are you looking for What does CDRI mean? What is the full form of CDRI? What is CDRI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CDRI. The Full Form of CDRI is‍ Central Drug Research Institute
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