What does ALV mean? What is the full form of ALV?

The Full Form of ALV is‍ ABAP List Viewer.

The SAP List Viewer (ALV) is an integrated element of the ABAP Objects programming environment . It allows application developers to quickly implement the display of structured datasets by providing three different ALV tools, one each for the display of:

  • Simple and two-dimensional tables

  • Hierarchical-sequential lists

  • Tree structures

The SAP List Viewer provides application developers with:

  • A unified, object-oriented API for all ALV tools wherever possible

  • A coherent API

  • Earliest possible error detection during programming (for example, exceptions indicate when methods are not possible in specific situations)

  • Functions for accessibility are integrated into ALV, which means that you do not have to provide these functions yourself using your application

With the ALV, you can use almost uniform programming techniques independent of the ALV tool in order to display various lists, tables, or tree structures. The methods, parameters, or classes only vary where tool-specific functions require a special procedure.

This documentation is aimed at application developers who want to display table-type structures as tables, lists, or tree structures in their applications by using one of the three ALV tools. It provides an overview of how ALV works, and outlines the options for changing the appearance and functions of the ALV output from within your application.



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Do you want to know What does ALV mean? What is the full form of ALV?. Are you looking for What does ALV mean? What is the full form of ALV? What is ALV stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ALV. The Full Form of ALV is‍ ABAP List Viewer
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