What does NBPGR mean? What is the full form of NBPGR?

The Full Form of NBPGR is‍ National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources.

National Bureau Of Plant Genetic Resources is a biotechnology company based out of A – block Fci Building Opposite Inder Puri Pusa Complex, Delhi, Delhi, India.

The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources (NBPGR) is the institute active as a nodal institute at national level for acquisition and management of indigenous and exotic plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and to carry out related research and human resource development, for sustainable growth of agriculture.

The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources has its Headquarters at New Delhi.

The basic ideas behind the establishment of such specialized institutes are:

  1. To plan, organize, conduct and coordinate exploration and collection of indigenous and exotic plant genetic resources.
  2. To undertake introduction, exchange and quarantine of plant genetic resources.
  3. To characterize, evaluate, document and conserve crop genetic resources and promote their use, in collaboration with other national organizations.
  4. To develop information network on plant genetic resources.
  5. To conduct research, undertake teaching and training, develop guidelines and create public awareness on plant genetic resources.



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Do you want to know What does NBPGR mean? What is the full form of NBPGR?. Are you looking for What does NBPGR mean? What is the full form of NBPGR? What is NBPGR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NBPGR. The Full Form of NBPGR is‍ National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
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