What does CHG mean? What is the full form of CHG?

The Full Form of CHG is‍ Change.

ato make different in some particular ALTERnever bothered to change the will
bto make radically different TRANSFORMcan’t change human nature
cto give a different position, course, or direction tochanged his residence from Ohio to California
2ato replace with anotherlet’s change the subject
bto make a shift from one to another SWITCHalways changes sides in an argument
cto exchange for an equivalent sum of money (as in smaller denominations or in a foreign currency)change a 20-dollar bill
dto undergo a modification offoliage changing color
eto put fresh clothes or covering onchange a bed



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Do you want to know What does CHG mean? What is the full form of CHG?. Are you looking for What does CHG mean? What is the full form of CHG? What is CHG stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CHG. The Full Form of CHG is‍ Change
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What does CHG mean? What is the full form of CHG?
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