Presence vs Presents: Understanding the Difference

March 18, 2024

Presence vs Presents

History: Both words have their origins in Latin. “Presence” comes from the Latin word “praesentia” which means “being at hand” or “being in a place.” “Presents” comes from the Latin word “praesentare” which means “to present.”

How to use them: “Presence” is used to talk about someone’s existence in a particular place or their demeanor. “Presents” are gifts given to someone on special occasions.

Trick to Remember the Difference: Remember that “presence” contains the word “here” which can remind you of someone being present in a place. “Presents” contain the word “present” which can remind you of gifts given on special occasions.

Examples of “Presence” usage:

  1. His presence in the meeting was calming.
  2. The teacher’s presence in the classroom made the students feel safe.
  3. I could feel her presence behind me.
  4. The presence of fresh flowers made the room more inviting.
  5. Even in his absence, his presence was strongly felt.

Examples of “Presents” usage:

  1. She received many presents on her birthday.
  2. We bought some presents for the children’s party.
  3. He always gives thoughtful presents to his friends.
  4. Opening presents on Christmas morning is a tradition in our family.
  5. They exchanged presents during the holiday season.

Summary: Remember, “presence” refers to being in a place or a demeanor, while “presents” are gifts given on special occasions.