What does B.P.Ed mean? What is the full form of B.P.Ed?

The Full Form of B.P.Ed is‍ Bachelor of Physical Education.

The Bachelor of Science in Physical Education degree program offered by Grand Canyon University is a collaborative initiative from the College of Education and the College of Science, Engineering and Technology. This physical education degree attracts teacher candidates who possess an enduring love of sports, physical fitness and wellness. Physical education teachers can serve as powerful role models and motivators for the next generation as they strive to make healthy choices and reach their full potential.

GCU offers a modern curriculum that is fully aligned with Interstate Teacher Assessment and Support Consortium (InTASC) principles. All coursework adheres to the national standards for Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) as established by SHAPE America, which is the national organization for physical educators.

This BS in Physical Education enables teacher candidates to develop these core competencies:

  • Create a safe, positive learning environment
  • Meet the diverse needs of students with varying abilities
  • Empower students to thrive physically, and stay active in and out of school

While you earn your Bachelor of Science in Physical Education at GCU, some of the topics you study may include:

  • Human development and function
  • Fitness development and assessment
  • Biomedical principles
  • Techniques and best practices for safe movement
  • Physical education for students with disabilities
  • Instructional technology
  • Teaching methods for individual and team sports

All teacher candidates are required to complete a student teaching experience. Under the supervision of a certified, experienced physical education teacher, teacher candidates apply their knowledge to the classroom.



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Do you want to know What does B.P.ED mean? What is the full form of B.P.ED?. Are you looking for What does B.P.ED mean? What is the full form of B.P.ED? What is B.P.ED stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of B.P.ED. The Full Form of B.P.ED is‍ Bachelor of Physical Education
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