What does HYSD mean? What is the full form of HYSD?

The Full Form of HYSD is High Yielding Strength Deformed.

“HYSD” stands for High Yielding Strength Deformed Bars. There are different types of HYSD Steel Bars.

HYSD Bars are manufactured under heat treatment. During HYSD Bar manufacturing post heat treatment process, steel bars are either heat rolled or cold twisted for shaping.

Previously the steel bars were low in tensile strength for which HYSD has been introduced in market. When HYSD Bars were introduced to the market it was highly accepted because it has properties such as

  • Residual Stress
  • Bendability
  • Weldability
  • Corrosion Resistance

With time construction industry has grown extensively and the criteria for selecting the Steel bars has gone up. HYSD Bars were not able to meet the criteria with growing market therefore TMT Bar has been introduced that has

  • Superior Ductility
  • Excellent Bend and Re-bend capacity
  • Weldability
  • Earthquake Resistance
  • Corrosion Resistance
  • Fire Resistance



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Do you want to know What does HYSD mean? What is the full form of HYSD?. Are you looking for What does HYSD mean? What is the full form of HYSD? What is HYSD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HYSD. The Full Form of HYSD is‍ High Yielding Strength Deformed
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