What does TDF mean? What is the full form of TDF?

The full form of TDF is Technical Development Fund

The Technology Development Fund (TDF) is a seed-stage academic catalyst fund dedicated to translating high-impact academic technologies into the independently-validated, later-stage opportunities sought by industry partners and investors. Technologies funded by TDF range from therapeutics and devices, to diagnostics and vaccines in both pediatric and adult indications.

Technology Development Fund (TDF) has been established to promote self-reliance in Defence Technology as a part of the ‘Make in India’ initiative. It is a programme of MoD (Ministry of Defence) executed by DRDO meeting the requirements of Tri-Services, Defence Production and DRDO.

The TDF makes awards to UR researchers as they develop their innovations to get them ready for the marketplace. TDF funds typically support animal testing, prototyping and other proof-of-concept studies, with the goal of developing University of Rochester technologies to a commercial proof point. TDF awards are not prizes or research grants, but are funds to accomplish specific development milestones. Since 2010, TDF support has provided over $4M to 49 projects, resulting in 30+ publications, over $7M in additional research funding, 8 licenses/options and several startups.

The scheme encourages participation of public/private industries especially MSMEs so as to create an eco-system for enhancing cutting edge technology capability for defence application by inculcating R&D culture in industry.



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Do you want to know What does TDF mean? What is the full form of TDF?. Are you looking for What does TDF mean? What is the full form of TDF? What is TDF stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of TDF. The Full Form of TDF is‍ Technical Development Fund
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