What does DFL mean? What is the full form of DFL?

1, The full form of DFL is Deutsche Fußball Liga,[German Football League]. It’s used on Sports & Games ,Football in Germany

The German Football League (GFL) is an American football league in Germany and was formed in 1979. Playing rules are based on those of the American NCAA. In 1999, the league switched its name from American-Football-Bundesliga to German Football League

2, The full form of DFL is David Florida Laboratory. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Astronomy & Space Science in Canada

The David Florida Laboratory is the Canadian Space Agency’s spacecraft assembly, integration and testing centre, in Shirleys Bay, just west of Ottawa.

The David Florida Laboratory (DFL) is Canada’s world-class spacecraft assembly, integration and testing centre. Named in honour of one of Canada’s pioneers in space research, C. David Florida. The Laboratory is maintained and operated by the Canadian Space Agency (CSA).

On a fee-for-service basis, the DFL is available for use by Canadian and foreign aerospace and telecommunications companies and organizations for qualifying hardware. It is registered as ISO 9001:2015 (PDF, 79 KB) for radio frequency, structural, and thermal qualification testing of space bound and terrestrial hardware. Support facilities include offices, conference rooms, storage areas, check out rooms, and in house mechanical, electrical and electronic shops.

Address: 3701 Carling Ave, Nepean, ON K2K 2Y7, Canada

Opened: September 1972

Phone: +1 613-998-2383
Province: Ontario



Deutsche Fußball Liga,[German Football League]how to pronounce Deutsche Fußball Liga,[German Football League]

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David Florida Laboratoryhow to pronounce David Florida Laboratory

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Do you want to know What does DFL mean? What is the full form of DFL?. Are you looking for What does DFL mean? What is the full form of DFL? What is DFL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DFL. The Full Form of DFL is‍ Deutsche Fußball Liga,[German Football League], David Florida Laboratory
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DFL, how to pronounce Deutsche Fußball Liga,[German Football League], how to pronounce David Florida Laboratory,
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