What does MBOX mean? What is the full form of MBOX?

The full form of MBOX is MailBOX. It’s used on Computing ,File Extensions in Worldwide

mailbox is the storage location of electronic mail messages found on a remote server or downloaded to the user’s hard drive. Software e-mail programs commonly divide the mailbox into separate folders, notably the inbox, outbox, sent items, and deleted items.

An area in memory or on a storage device where e-mail is placed. In e-mail systems, each userhas a private mailbox. When the user receives e-mail, the mail system automatically puts it in the mailbox.

The mail system allows you to scan mail that is in your mailbox, copy it to a file, delete it, print it, or forward it to another user. If you want to save mail, it is a good idea to copy it to a file, because files tend to be more stable than mailboxes.



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Do you want to know What does MBOX mean? What is the full form of MBOX?. Are you looking for What does MBOX mean? What is the full form of MBOX? What is MBOX stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of MBOX. The Full Form of MBOX is‍ MailBOX
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