What does ABIT mean? What is the full form of ABIT?

The full form of ABIT is Airborne Information Transmission. It’s used on Technology ,Airplanes & Aircraft in Worldwide

Airborne Information Transmission (ABIT) is the next generation of the Common Data Link, providing an extended wide band data link relay to move imagery and other intelligence information from collection platforms to ground stations and/or other airborne platforms anywhere in theater. It provides secure, selectable bandwidth, two way air-to-air-to-surface link with lop probability of detection/low probability of intercept. ABIT offers beyond line of sight range and improved timeliness for real time operations without further taxing already heavily used orbital communications systems.



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Do you want to know What does ABIT mean? What is the full form of ABIT?. Are you looking for What does ABIT mean? What is the full form of ABIT? What is ABIT stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ABIT. The Full Form of ABIT is‍ Airborne Information Transmission
You also might want to know: how to pronounce ABIT, how to pronounce Airborne Information Transmission,
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What does ABIT mean? What is the full form of ABIT?
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