What does AISSE mean? What is the full form of AISSE?

The full form of AISSE is All India Secondary School Examination. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Exams & Tests in India

All India Secondary School Examination, commonly known as board exams, is a centralized public examination that students in schools affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education in India take after class 10. The board conducts the examination during the period of February every year even after implementing the ambitious project of Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation. Now that the board has ended the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation pattern as a result Joint Employment Test, NEET, etc., the exam is conducted by the National Testing Agency instead. In this exam, mathematics, science and S.S.T. (history, geography, democratic politics, economics) are compulsory with any two languages (official language and foreign/schedule languages). Students can also opt skill subject such as information technology, painting, yoga, or artificial intelligence. Successful candidates are awarded the Secondary School Completion Certificate, a Statement of Marks, and a Migration Certificate stating that the candidate has completed Secondary Schooling and can pursue higher education. For the 2016-17 academic year, the Central Board of Secondary Education has revived the old system of syllabus and marking scheme (complete syllabus for All India Secondary School Examination and marks out of 500.) India has state exams and central exams.

Each subject is marked out of a total of 90 (theoretical/written) and 10 marks for practical assessment techniques such as assignments, classroom projects, and presentations. According to the new pattern, each subject is marked out of a total of 80 (theoretical), and the remaining 20 marks (internal assessment) are divided into 5 for the practical assessment, 5 for notebook submission and 10 for practice tests conducted autonomously by schools affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education.

From the academic year 2019-20, the Central Board of Secondary Education changed this pattern where 80 marks for theory are the same but increased the number of questions and provide more internal choices in the paper. Also, to tackle route learning in schools, they decreased the weight of Tests from 10 to 5 and increased the marks of assignment to 15 (Multiple assessments and Portfolio)

Each candidate give five or six exams, each of 100 marks and the best five subjects are taken into the consideration. English and regional language are compulsory to be included. They are marked out of 500 marks and then the percentage is taken out.

Students are required to get a minimum score of 33 out of 100 in every subject to successfully pass the examination.



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Do you want to know What does AISSE mean? What is the full form of AISSE?. Are you looking for What does AISSE mean? What is the full form of AISSE? What is AISSE stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of AISSE. The Full Form of AISSE is‍ All India Secondary School Examination
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