What does ASMX mean? What is the full form of ASMX?

The Full-Form of ASMX is Active Server Methods.

It’s a Microsoft filename extension

An ASMX file serves as the end point for an ASP.NET Web service. It is similar to an . ASPX file, but is used specifically for XML Web services. ASMX files are often part of ASP.NET applications and may reference other files. They are addressable by a URI just like ASPX files are.



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Do you want to know What does ASMX mean? What is the full form of ASMX?. Are you looking for What does ASMX mean? What is the full form of ASMX? What is ASMX stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ASMX. The Full Form of ASMX is‍ Active Server Methods
You also might want to know: how to pronounce ASMX, how to pronounce Active Server Methods ,
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What does ASMX mean? What is the full form of ASMX?
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