What does BFPO mean? What is the full form of BFPO?

The Full Form of BFPO is British Forces Post Office.

The British Forces Post Office (BFPO) provides a postal service to HM Forces, separate from that provided by Royal Mail in the United Kingdom. BFPO addresses are used for the delivery of mail in the UK and around the world. BFPO moved from its original base at Inglis Barracks, Mill Hill to its current base at RAF Northolt in northwest London in 2007.



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Do you want to know What does BFPO mean? What is the full form of BFPO?. Are you looking for What does BFPO mean? What is the full form of BFPO? What is BFPO stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BFPO. The Full Form of BFPO is‍ British Forces Post Office
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What does BFPO mean? What is the full form of BFPO?
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