What does BIA mean? What is the full form of BIA?

The Full Form of BIA is Biospecific Interaction Analysis.

The recent development of surface plasmon resonance (SPR)-based biosensor technologies for biospecific interaction analysis (BIA) enables the monitoring of a variety of molecular reactions in real-time. The biomolecular interactions occur at the surface of a flow cell of a sensor chip between a ligand immobilized on the surface and an injected analyte. SPR-based BIA offers many advantages over most of the other methodologies available for the study of biomolecular interactions, including full automation, no requirement for labeling, and the availability of a large variety of activated sensor chips that allow immobilization of DNA, RNA, proteins, peptides and cells. The assay is rapid and requires only small quanitities of both ligand and analyte in order to obtain informative results. In addition, the sensor chip can be re-used many times, leading to low running costs. Aside from the analysis of all possible combinations of peptide, protein, DNA and RNA interactions, this technology can also be used for screening of monoclonal antibodies and epitope mapping, analysis of interactions between low molecular weight compounds and proteins or nucleic acids, interactions between cells and ligands, and real-time monitoring of gene expression. Applications of SPR-based BIA in medicine include the molecular diagnosis of viral infections and genetic diseases caused by point mutations. Future perspectives include the combinations of SPR-based BIA with mass spectrometry, the use of biosensors in proteomics, and the application of this technology to design and develop efficient drug delivery systems.



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Do you want to know What does BIA mean? What is the full form of BIA?. Are you looking for What does BIA mean? What is the full form of BIA? What is BIA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of BIA. The Full Form of BIA is‍ Biospecific Interaction Analysis
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