What does CATIA mean? What is the full form of CATIA?

The Full Form of CATIA is‍ Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application.

Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application (CATIA) is a multiplatform computer-aided design/manufacturing software written in C++ that runs on IBM AIX, HP-UX workstations, Windows 2000/XP and Sun Solaris. It was developed by the French company Dassault System

Computer Aided Three-Dimensional Interactive Application supports multiple stages of product development from conceptualization, design, manufacturing and engineering. The major facilities provided by CATIA include:

  • A suite for surfacing, reverse engineering and visualizing solutions to create, modify and validate complex innovative shapes
  • The ability to create 3D parts out of sheet metal or composites, as well as molded, forged or tooling parts and mechanical assembly definitions
  • Tools to complete product definitions including functional tolerance and kinematics definitions
  • The facility to design electronic, electrical and distributed systems such as fluid systems, and heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems
  • Solutions for modeling complex and intelligent products through a systems engineering approach
  • A systems engineering approach that covers the requirements definition, systems architecture and embedded software generation and behavior modeling
  • Customization through application program interfaces



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Do you want to know What does CATIA mean? What is the full form of CATIA?. Are you looking for What does CATIA mean? What is the full form of CATIA? What is CATIA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CATIA. The Full Form of CATIA is‍ Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application
You also might want to know: how to pronounce CATIA, how to pronounce Computer-Aided Three-dimensional Interactive Application,
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What does CATIA mean? What is the full form of CATIA?
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